Friday 23 March 2007

Again I am happy that I am not blonde

Another week has almost reached its end. So what has been going on so far, apart from the weather’s crazy turn towards coldness (well, it’s getting warmer again but I can’t get over the fact that it has been snowing here this week… I mean this is Spain!). Sol had to realise that yet again her pelo rubia (blonde hair) had gotten admirers. I’m talking about the Spanish boys in our European Integration course who are so in love with her that they’re acting like 10-year old boys messing with her hair and giggle. I’m just laughing. Again I am happy that I am not blonde.

We’ve also been trying hard to ignore the crazy hombre de kebab (kebab guy) who also has fallen for her light hairdo. That’s more creepy though as he lives in the same apartment building as we do, and thus Sol always listens at the door before opening it.

Now we have our own bartenders as well, not only the guys we’ve met, but Jolita and Vaida. They started working yesterday in two separate bars and so of course Sol, Sabine and I had to go for a quick look. But then again this is Spain and in Spain there are no such things as a quick look. But we didn’t arrive home too late after all. Vaida works in a small very Spanish bar which reminded us of a tropical holiday spot. Jolita works in a bar with a small dance floor where the boss treated us to several shots of different kinds during the hours we stayed watching Jolita do her thing. We tried all kinds of things from purely Spanish liqueur to American whiskey. No, your eyes didn’t cheat you. I wrote whiskey. If someone offers you a free shot it is rude not to take it.

This weekend will probably be quite calm. We had been talking about going somewhere but as our landlord has promised to bring us a new lavadora (laundry machine) tomorrow morning, we’ll have to stay here in Valladolid.

The internet is still not working, although Sol believes that it is a good thing that we can’t even find the network in our lists anymore – maybe they’re fixing it? Oh well, hopefully. It’s just to relax and say mañana, mañana as everyone else in this country.
Hope all is well!

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