Monday 5 March 2007

Finally I knew something already! :-D

So, today in my Spanish class I was almost caught when I was spying on my favourite soap opera. Italian guy nr 1 saw me as I was trying to figure out where he was looking (at the German girl of course) and was he was thinking. The German girl was sitting next to yet another Italian guy (I think my now she has sat next to every single Italian guy in our class except maybe one...). They were chatting and sharing a book, while Italian guy nr 1 sat on the same row but several seats in between. I caught him as he was glancing in her direction and he then caught me glancing at him. I wonder if he knows he has become the star of my online soap opera? Probably not.

Anyhow, the Spanish class today actualy made me very happy. We dealt with future tenses and I already knew it all from my classes back home with Elmer. It was such a relief to finally be able to finish an exercise and quick at that. I think I probably finished before everyone else! ;-) Now if my teacher would only bring up my dear Torro as well then I will be fully satisfied. It was nice though to feel like I know something, but after a weekend of speaking a lot of Spanish it should be expected, no?

Afterwards Sabine and I continued with our new idea of 'Spanish coffee' (basically have a coffee after our Spanish lesson in the café at our street) and had invited Sol to join us. We spoke about James Bond (Sabine had just seen Casino Royal), Spanish in general and the young people in Copenhagen who are currently destroying the city.

Then it was home for a quick sandwich before having to go to more classes (when is the me-time?); the cinema course and the European integration course. The cinema course was all right, we watched parts of Citizen Kane and listened to our teacher enthusiastically speak with her high-pitch voice about how fantastic it was (in Spanish of course). The European integration course sucked as normally. Sol says she is afraid of the teacher and I just kept on looking at her over made-up eyes.

On the way home we went grocery shopping and Sol paid. She owed me some money from yesterday so I said 'we're evil now'. Another quote for the collection I guess...

A last word for today will have to be one of Barney: 'It's gonna be - wait for it - I hope you're not allergic, 'cause yes it's - dairy! Legendary!' Otherwise, remember to suit up!

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